5 December 2022

The Play2Green project kick-off meeting was held on the 1st of December 2022 at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb, Croatia.
The aim of the meeting was for the consortium members to get to know each other and to familiarize them with the project, work packages, ongoing activities and their responsibilities to lay a strong foundation for the successful implementation of the project. Representatives of all partner institutions were present at the meeting: University of Zagreb, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, University of Debrecen, IMT Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, University of Dubrovnik and Aspas Valencia.
Jurica Babić, the project coordinator, welcomed all partners to the kick-off meeting. After the introductory words, Ivana Slošić, the project manager, led the meeting according to the schedule. All representatives of the consortium presented themselves, a special presentation was held by the representative of Aspas Valencia, a non-governmental organization that is participating in our consortium for the first time and will give us a unique perspective on implementing accessible applications. Work package coordinators Ivana Slošić, Jurica Babić, Katarina Mandarić and Matea Žilak, presented the activities and results contained in each work package. A constructive discussion about activities and plans was held throughout the meeting.
During the next year, among other plans, we will organize an open call for students for the blended mobility which will consist of virtual mobility, where student teams will work on their projects by collaborating online, and physical mobility which will take place in Dubrovnik in Croatia in September.
The Play2Green project is officially initiated! 😊
Check out the photos from the Kick-off meeting and dinner together!