1 June 2023

The Play2Green Blended Hackathon officially started on June 1, 2023.
The Blended Hackathon is an activity consisting of virtual mobility (ongoing since the official start of Blended Mobility) and physical mobility that will take place in Dubrovnik in September 2023.
More about the Blended Hackathon can be found on the Blended Hackathon page.
We have accepted students from partner universities in Croatia (Zagreb, Dubrovnik), France (Brest), Hungary (Debrecen) and Spain (Valencia)! You can find more about the P2G partner universities on the Consortium page.
The opening ceremony took place on Microsoft Teams, where students and lecturers met for the first time and the teams that will work on green-themed serious games project assignments were announced.
Here is a reminder of what awaits us in the following period 😊