21 July 2023
The deliverable from Work package 2: “Green-themed serious games” – the feasibility study of modalities for inclusion of green-themed serious games in non-green-themed higher education courses – is published!
The document entitled „A report on the potential of green serious games in higher education” provides the analysis of existing non-green-themed higher education courses with the specific aim to identify and document concrete and actionable modalities for the inclusion of green-themed serious games in such courses.
This report is a result of collaborative, international work, that brought together students and lecturers/researchers from 5 partner universities accross 4 countries (Croatia, Spain, France, and Hungary) and a non-governmental association (Asociación de Familias y Personas Sordas de la Provincia de Valencia – ASPAS). It aims to answer questions such as how, and on what terms, can green serious games be introduced into higher education courses (e.g., computer science and mathematics courses), i.e., how to seamlessly integrate green-themed serious games into non-green-themed higher education courses.
The know-how from the published feasibility study can be used to guide the transition of existing curricula to include more green topics in non-green-themed courses.
The report is available here: A report on the potential of green serious gamea in higher education