First green-themed serious game – SOON!

First green-themed serious game – SOON!   We are happy to announce that the first green-themed serious game “Green Siesta” will be available soon! It is a serious Game on waste disposal based on artificial intelligence developed for computers. It...

Play2Green project presented on study visit at UNIZG-FER!

Play2Green project presented on study visit at UNIZG-FER!   The Play2Green project was presented during the study visit organized as part of the international seminar “Embrace Inclusion & Diversity in your Erasmus+ projects “! 😊 In November 2023, the Agency for...

Play2Green presented at FER’s Open Doors Day

Play2Green presented at FER’s Open Doors Day   On Saturday, November 25, 2023, the Open Doors Day of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) took place and attracted numerous visitors. This event offered the public, especially high-school...

Play2Green Blended Hackathon has ended!

Play2Green Blended Hackathon has ended!   The physical part of the Play2Green Blended Hackathon took place in Dubrovnik from September 17-23, 2023. Students from four European countries (Hungary, Croatia, Spain and France) participated in all the planned activities...

Green-themed serious game scenarios are published!

Green-themed serious game scenarios are published!   The deliverable from Work package 3: “Blended hackathon” – Green-themed serious game scenarios – is published! The document entitled „Green-themed serious game project scenarios”...
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